Tidda Talz Creates Progress Over Perfection Pieces is Talicia AKA TIDDA TALZ! 

TTPOPP is 100% Indigenous owned & operated & it was born out of her love for her daughter, her family, her love for fashion & accessories & her love for her people & culture.

TTPOPP consists of jewellery & accessories that POP WITH PURPOSE & are for people who desire to live life OUTSIDE OF THE BOX, people that are in search for their God given PURPOSE on this earth our pieces POP with purpose you can't help but notice them.

TTPOPP has also been created to inspire people on the path of "Progress over Perfection".

Their hope is that they can be Culture Carriers who preserve, carry & pass on our culture to the future generations. They exist for the people who want to leave a mark on this world & more importantly leave a legacy that will be passed on for generations.

This is their birthing story & they pray that our stories of hope & resilience inspire you to go & shock the world with your greatness & leave your mark here too. 

It is Talicia’s prayer that through this creative outlet people’s lives are changed, transformed, empowered, inspired, equipped & mobilised to pursue the purpose & destiny that we have all been created for.  Find out more on the TTPOPP website, Facebook or Instagram.


LaToya Burton


Bird & Bee Creations