Kelly Higgins-Divine

Kelly is an award-winning broadcaster who seeks out the interesting, the quirky and the heart-warming stories throughout Queensland.

Having spent many years on Afternoons and Drive shifts, Kelly can’t wait to spend her evenings with you in 2018 when she takes over the airwaves from 7pm Monday to Thursday.

Her ABC career began in 1999 after earning her stripes in commercial radio. Kelly has worked across most facets of broadcasting from reporting and news reading to presenting local radio programs.

In 2007 Kelly was named ABC Local Radio Broadcaster of the Year, she received the “Best Use of the Medium” award in 2011 for her broadcast during Cyclone Yasi which calmed and comforted not only frightened locals in the path of that monster, but a worldwide audience desperate to hear the latest news. In 2017, Kelly was co-awarded the OPSO (Older People Speak Out) award for her series on “Positive Living for the Elderly”.

Twitter: @kellyhd


Janine Hendry


Jackie Huggins