Chanel Contos

Chair, GIWL Global Youth Committee and Founder of Teach Us Consent

Chanel Contos founded Teach Us Consent, a campaign that mandated consent education in Australia. In order to achieve this, she worked closely with politicians from across the political spectrum, including prime ministers. Chanel was the recipient of the Australian Human Rights Commission Young People’s Medal in 2021, and in 2023 she was named NSW Young Woman of the Year for her persistent efforts towards eradicating rape culture. Chanel has also been presented with the prestigious Diana Award for her humanitarian work, and in 2022 she was listed as one of the BBC’s 100 inspiring and influential women worldwide. Chanel has a Masters in Education, Gender and International Development from University College London and is the Chair of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership’s Youth Advisory Committee. She is the author of Consent Laid Bare: sex, entitlement, and the distortion of desire.

Instagram: @chanelc

Twitter: @chanelcontos

LinkedIn: @Chanel Contos


Matika Little


Jonty Bush