Jonty Bush

Member for Cooper

Jonty Bush MP is the Member for Cooper. Jonty has a 20-year career history in making sure people can navigate government and social services, ensuring they have a voice and can participate in the decisions made for them and about them. Her specialisation is criminology – following the homicides of her sister and father she refocused her career towards community safety, and victims’ rights. She was recognised nationally as the Young Australian of the Year in 2009, when she developed Queensland's One Punch Can Kill campaign. Jonty has a Master of Criminology and Criminal Justice from Griffith University. In 2010, Jonty accepted a role in the public service with the Department of Justice and Attorney General. She remained with the department until her election to the seat of Cooper in 2020, enjoying a variety of roles including the Director of the Office of the Public Guardian and Director of the Strategic Support Office. While striving to ensure that Cooper has a strong voice in Parliament, Jonty is also a member of two Parliamentary Committees: the Crime and Corruption Committee and the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee; and is a Temporary Speaker of the House.

Facebook: @Jonty Bush

Instagram: @jontybush

LinkedIn: @Jonty Bush


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